
Frequently Asked Questions

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Will the hired academic help expert follow the given instructions and rubric criteria?

Yes, absolutely! When placing an order for any assignment help, our ordering system has different tabs to input all your requirements where you can specify all your requirements. Additionally, you can upload files and resources under the “upload files” tab. With that, our academic help experts thoroughly review and read the requirements and seek clarifications via our live chat.

Can I provide additional instructions after placing the order?

Yes, you can certainly provide additional instructions and clarify further details even after hiring an academic help expert. Our messaging system allows you to chat with our experts directly, making it convenient to get progress of your assignment at any time. 

How can I be satisfied that your assignment help service will deliver plagiarism-free papers?

While seeking for academic help, certainly receiving plagiarized papers is a worry. Our academic help website conducts thorough interviews while recruiting writers ensuring they pass and uphold originality. Our academic help experts craft papers from specific instructions, ensuring originality. Additionally, for every submitted paper, a Turnitin plagiarism report accompanies it, guaranteeing 100% uniqueness.

What citation style can you write my paper for me?

Every academic paper should meet some standard, and one of them is the citation style. Uniformity of the citation style is key to producing quality papers. Our team of experts has an in-depth master of all citation styles, be it MLA, APA, Havard, Chicago/Turabian, and IEEE. Accordingly, a properly cited paper will be none of your worries.

What free services do I receive from your assignment help services?

When you order with Aplus Scholars, you receive added free services for our convenience. You receive bonuses for inviting your friends. In addition, you get:

  • Plagiarism report
  • Cover page
  • Citations and formatting
  • Revisions at your request

We are purely customer-oriented.

Do my information and data remain confidential on your website?

Without a doubt, your privacy is of our uttermost consideration. We have employed state-of-the-art security measures to protect against breaches of your data within the website and third parties. This makes your activities and papers secure,

When do I pay for my assignment?

After hiring the expert, they will work on the paper and deliver it within the stipulated deadline. Once you receive the paper, take your time to read through it and seek clarification where needed. Once satisfied with the paper, you can “release the payment.” Also, per our policy, you can request a refund fee within 30 days after assignment completion. Wait no more, get expert academic help, and better your grades.

How do I pay for my assignment writing services?

We made our assignment writing services convenient to our customers. With our seamless payment modes, Credit Card, Debit Card, and Mastercard, we ensure your ordering process is smooth and secure.

Do your assignment help services have a refund policy?

Definitely yes! A successful completion rate of 9.8/10 of all orders our customers posted and completed does not rule out the rare occasions where a customer might need a refund where we process the refund to the customer's account that made the payment.

How are the experts selected at A+ Scholars?

Our academic help experts are carefully vetted and selected based on their: qualifications, skills and knowledge, expertise, and experience in academic writing and tutoring. Our hiring process ensures every expert is qualified to deliver quality, original, well-formatted, and cited papers.

How do I know which expert is best suited to complete my assignment?

We made it easy for you to pick an expert! Just after posting your assignment, our academic help experts will place their bids, and from there, you can view the expert's profile, where you can preview their:

  • Specialty in their bio
  • Completion rate
  • Rate and comments from other students

This gives you the certainty you need while hiring our experts.

Boost your Grades with A+ Scholars

Our experts are available, 24/7 to complete any homework task you throw at them

  • Top-notch Quality
  • Timely Delivery
  • Plagiarism-free